Experienced property investors treat property as a business and measure success based on how much value they add to their portfolio. The same principles apply to NSW’s biggest property investor too…
NSW State Government documents have revealed that an increase in property values along the new South East Light Rail Corridor Project, from Circular Quay to Kingsford and Randwick, will be a key performance indicator for Transport NSW and the State Government.
The $2.1 billion light rail project is due to start operating in 2019 and the State Government will monitor property values in the suburbs of Surrey Hills, Randwick, Kensington and Kingsford to see if these suburbs outperform the rest of the city’s south-eastern suburbs in terms of increases in property value.
In other light rail developments, a billion dollars in funding for stage one of the proposed Parramatta Light Rail project has been set aside by the State Government. With estimated costs of $2.2 billion, it remains unclear how the rest of stage one is going to be funded, as the State Government reviews a range of funding options.
Stage one of the project is to link Westmead to Carlingford via Parramatta and Camellia and is expected to generate an increased need for housing supply around the stations in the project.
With these improvements earmarked for Sydney’s infrastructure, opportunities are presenting themselves right in our own backyard. Over the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays, it may be worth researching these areas and working out what you think improved access to rail would do to your property values if you owned property there. I am pretty sure the answer would be positive.
Gold Coast Property For Sale For 500 Bitcons
Eight days ago, News Limited published an article about the asking price of 500 Bitcoins for a Gold Coast Sovereign Islands Mansion, valuing the property at a little over $6 million. Then, at the time of print, one Bitcoin was trading for $12,678
Today, according to Google, one Bitcoin is trading for $15,500, which would mean the asking price of the property today – if still at 500 Bitcoins – is $7.7 million. A staggering $1.7 million increase in 8 days. Continue reading… >
Australians Continue To Build The Second Biggest Homes In The World, New Report Reveals
Even though Australian homes are the smallest they have been on average in 20 years, Australians continue to build the second biggest homes in the world on average, second only to the US on 204.3sqm. CommSec’s Home Size Trends Report analysed data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics to find the combined house and apartment size in Australia is around 190 square metres, which is down 2.7 per cent over the past 12 months. Continue reading… >
Tiny Home Sells For $56,000 In Melbourne Auction
In what’s believed to be the first auction of its type in Australia, a tiny house in Melbourne has sold at auction for $56,000. The brand new house attracted great interest in the weeks leading up to the auction, with more than 10,000 people inspecting and about 2000 people turning up on auction day, with many learning about the auction through social media. Continue reading… >
Plan Assist Would Like To Wish You A Merry Christmas
Has it been 12 month’s since our last Christmas newsletter? Is it just me or is time getting even more precious and flying past even faster each passing year? With all the time-saving gadgets and apps, you would think time should be slowing down – not speeding up!
To all our existing and new property investing clients and friends we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. To our hard-working staff, I say a big thank you because without you, this magical time of the year wouldn’t be nearly so special.
Our team will be on a break from 22nd December and the office will re-open 15th Jan 2018.
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. Norman Vincent Peale.
Wishing you a safe and happy holiday and an even brighter 2018.
All the best on your investing journey.
Yours always,
Harry Charalambous
CEO – Plan Assist Property Team