What is a Basix Certificate?


By Christine Xegas

A Basix Certificate (Building Sustainability Index) is generated by an accredited architect or Basix Consultant to ensure that your dwelling is energy and water efficient. It is required for most developments whether lodged through council or through a private certifier.

The report is generated by an algorithmic program that asks questions such as site area, size and colour of roof, hard landscaping, soft landscaping and air conditioning.

The Basix will then tell you what energy saving adaptations you will need to include in your construction such as star rating of tapware, rainwater tank size, lighting and window glazing etc.

You will find that you will need to complete most of your plans prior to doing a Basix report, yet may then need to change these plans before lodgement to comply with Basix requirements. If you have signed a building contract, you might find that Basix requirements add additional costs to your construction with a Basix report costing anywhere between $350 – $1000 per dwelling.

This article was featured on Smart Property Investor, here. If you are interested in speaking to one of our Project Managers about your project, contact us on 1300 039 801 today to arrange an appointment!


Christine PicChristine Xegas is a Project Manager at Plan Assist. She orchestrates all aspects of our investor’s developments and has a strong commitment to achieving completion, within budget and on time. We take you through the different stages and processes which can include, site acquisition, development application, construction certificate, tender and contract signing, construction administration and management.


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  1. Pingback: What is a Complying Development Certificate (CDC)? | Plan Assist

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